Who Are We?

We are five dudes who are passionate about making compliance simple and helping Healthcare startups enter the market.
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Prof. Dr. med. Ass. jur. Alexander Radbruch

Director of the Department of Neuroradiology
, University Hospital Bonn

Prof. Dr. Alexander Radbruch is the Director of the Department of Neuroradiology at the University Hospital Bonn. He researches the application of artificial intelligence (AI) in radiology.

He studied both Medicine and Law in Heidelberg, Munich and at the Baylor College of Medicine in Houston and completed his radiological training at the Heidelberg University Hospital and the German Cancer Research Center. Prior to joining the University Hospital Bonn, he worked as Chief Senior Physician at the Department for Neuroradiology at the University Clinic Essen.

Qing Guan

Product Advisor

From working at King, the company which made the well-known game Candy Crush, to building one of Germany’s first neobanks at N26, to recently being part of Ada Health, creating an AI-based engine for disease diagnostics, Qing has worked at multiple high-performing companies, shaping groundbreaking products which users love.

“I believe in agility, systems thinking, and human values. My passion is around product, process, and people, especially the intersection of the three. My experience consists of creating the most satisfying user experience, building high-performing teams and making a great business impact.”