Template: Performance Evaluation Plan (IVDD)

Dr. Oliver Eidel
Updated April 27, 2024

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The Performance Evaluation Plan lays out the resources and methods for the evaluation of the performance of the IVD.

There’s a separate standard available for that: EN 13612:2002. It’s very short and doesn’t contain a whole lot of information. You can generally understand what it’s about when you look at the mapping of requirements to document sections table below. Additionally, there are three IMDRF guidance documents which are more relevant for the Performance Evaluation Report:

  • [GHTF/SG5/N6:2012][imdrf-1]
  • [GHTF/SG5/N7:2012][imdrf-2]
  • [GHTF/SG5/N8:2012][imdrf-3]


  • Name: <product name>
  • Version: <product version>
  • Basic UDI-DI: <insert UDI-DI, if/when available>

Mapping of Requirements to Document Sections

EN 13612:2002 SectionDocumentSection
3.1 Responsibilities and ResourcesPerformance Evaluation Plan (this one)5
3.2 DocumentationPerformance Evaluation Plan (this one)(all)
3.3 Final Assessment and ReviewPerformance Evaluation Report
4.1 PreconditionsPerformance Evaluation Report
4.2 Evaluation PlanPerformance Evaluation Plan (this one)6, 7
4.3 Sites and ResourcesPerformance Evaluation Plan (this one)5
4.4 Basic Design InformationPerformance Evaluation Plan (this one)7.3
4.5 Experimental DesignPerformance Evaluation Plan (this one)7.4
4.6 Performance Study RecordsPerformance Evaluation Plan (this one)7.5
4.7 Observations and Unexpected OutcomesPerformance Evaluation Plan (this one)7.6
4.8 Evaluation ReportPerformance Evaluation Report
5. Modifications During the Performance Evaluation StudyPerformance Evaluation Plan (this one)8
6. Re-evaluationPerformance Evaluation Plan (this one)8
7. Protection and Safety of ProbandsPerformance Evaluation Plan (this one)9

1. List of Abbreviations

IVD MDIn-vitro diagnostic medical device

2. Product

  • Name: <product name>
  • Version: <product version>
  • Basic UDI-DI: <insert UDI-DI, if/when available>
  • UMDNS-Code:
  • GMDN-Code:

3. Relevant Documents

  • SOP Performance Evaluation
  • Performance Evaluation Plan

4. Intended Use

Copy-paste the intended use of your device here.

5. Responsibilities and Resources

5.1 Personnel

These five tasks are explicitly specified in EN 13612, so you should assign them to someone. Feel free to add further tasks if you have any. Of course, one person can take care of multiple tasks.

Coordinator with overall responsibilityJohn Doe
Assess the validity of test results and data already availableJohn Doe Jr.
Specify performance claims which shall be further examined or confirmedJohn Doe Sr.
Specify and document the evaluation plan and the test proceduresJohn Doe II
Prepare the evaluation reportAlbert Einstein

5.2 Resources

Describe other resources which you need for performance evaluation, e.g. software and hardware, physical locations.

6. Performance Claims of IVD MD

For each performance claim, assess whether it’s applicable to your IVD, i.e. can you measure that specific parameter, based on your device output? Then, add an explanation about what those parameters actually mean in the context of your device.

An example could be that you’re manufacturing an HIV test. Then, analytical sensitivity is applicable, and your explanation would be something like “proportion of HIV-positive patients who have positive test results”.

Performance ClaimApplicable?Explanation
Analytical Sensitivityyes/no
Diagnostic Sensitivity
Analytical Specificity
Diagnostic Specificity

7. Evaluation Procedure

7.1 List of Laboratories and Other Institutions Taking Part in Study

List the labs which take part in your study. If your product is for self-testing, list the “lay persons” who are your study participants.

7.2 Time Table

Create some sort of timeline when to do what.

Plan Performance Evaluation
Conduct Performance Evaluation
Write Performance Evaluation Report

7.3 Briefing of Investigators

If your investigators (the people who conduct the study) aren’t familiar with your device, describe how you’ll provide them with the necessary information beforehand.

7.4 Software Validation

The device is stand-alone software and will be validated in accordance with IEC 62366-1:2015, see SOP Integrated Software Development.

7.5 Performance Study Records

Describe how and where records of your performance study will be saved. Those could be files which contain your analysis data, or even the input data (i.e., test set) which you used for it.

7.6 Observations and Unexpected Outcomes

Describe what you’ll do when an unexpected outcome happens. Might not apply to stand-alone software.

8. Re-Evaluation

Specify under which conditions your performance evaluation will be repeated. That’s mainly the case when you change your device.

9. Protection and Safety of Probands

Describe how you ensure the safety of your probands. Probably not be applicable to software in most cases.

10. Dates and Signatures

Date and sign the plan. If your document management system supports it, you can digitally sign by typing e.g. your initials in the “Signature” field. Otherwise, you can still sign it the old-school way (print it and sign the sheet of paper, ugh).


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