Template: Management Review Report

Sven Piechottka
Updated April 26, 2024

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If, for some mysterious reason, you’re using a different QMS Software, you can also simply download this template – specifically, as Word (.docx), PDF, Google Docs or Markdown file. Scroll down for a preview!

The template license applies (don’t remove the copyright at the bottom, don’t re-use this for commercial purposes).

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NOTE #1: This template is supposed to give you an idea of the structure. Don’t use MS word – this is thought as an excel / sheets file.

NOTE #2: Think of the sub-sections below as different tabs in your excel sheet.

Overall Assessment

Overall QMS Assessment:

NOTE: Assess the general adequacy, suitability and efficacy or QM system to comply with regulatory requirements. Also take into account an assessment of the criticality / impact of single processes for product safety. List a summary of measures derived from the review.

Date of ReviewXYZ (…)
(Name, Role)
XYZ (…)
SignatureXYZ (…)

Process Assessment

NOTE: In your excel sheet, you may want to create one tab for every process and include results from previous Management Reviews for comparison.

SOPKey Performance IndicatorReview InputManagement AssessmentImprovement MeasuresEvaluation of Previous Measures
Corrective and Preventive Action (CAPA)Quick decision of action plan (goal: max. 1week)Last year: 3 days on averageProcess is followed and complies with requirementsNoneN/A
Change Management
Document and Record Control
Software Development
Management Review

Template Copyright openregulatory.com. See template license.

Please don’t remove this notice even if you’ve modified contents of this template.

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