Template: Software List

Dr. Oliver Eidel
Updated April 26, 2024

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List all your software which you use either in your Quality Management System or as part of your product development. Typically, those include Slack, GitHub, your IDE (e.g., IntelliJ) and programming libraries which you (only) use during development.

Libraries which you include in your product (i.e., which are deployed with it) don’t belong here. They belong in the SOUP list.

IDNameManufacturerBug tracker URLNeeds validation?Next validationLast validationDecommissioning
1GitHubGitHub, Inc.yes2020-05-17
2IntelliJ IDEAJetBrains s.r.o.https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issues/IDEAyes2020-05-17

Template Copyright openregulatory.com. See template license.

Please don’t remove this notice even if you’ve modified contents of this template.

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